What is Nomadizers

Do you want to travel and your friends can't go with you? Do you consider yourself a bit nomad?

Nomadizers is your community! Here you will find thousands of travelmates that will join you in your new adventures, you could stay in their houses during your travels and make routes to feel like a real local.

En el Mundo Nomadizer, la experiencia no se acaba con el viaje. Por eso, si eres guía profesional y certificado y quieres multiplicar tus ingresos, puedes registrarte como guía y publicar tus tours para que nuestros viajeros puedan reservarlos. Utiliza Nomadizers y tu talento para que miles de viajeros vivan una experiencia inolvidable en tu ciudad.

Connect with other travellers to travel together around the world, stay at home withlocals and discover the city through the routes provided by our guías

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CONNECT with other travelers Sometimes it is difficult to match friends to travel together. Why not do it with other travelers like you? You can ask advice from any traveler in the community or meet to travel together and discover the whole world.


HOST in a house of a local. Because we believe there is no better way to integrate into a new place and discover a foreign culture. Thus, among all we make that travel is accessible to anyone. We believe in collaborative tourism!


MAKE ROUTES during your travels. To know a place there is nothing better than to make a nice route or a fun activity. Therefore, you can request your personalized routes to our inZiders or hire one of the activities that they propose. The important thing is to have fun along the way!

Don't hesitate it anymore! Nomadizers is your community!